Quantitative Student Reviews

In addition to open-ended testimony from students — and for those of us who are quantitively-minded — I have included some of my numerical evaluations. As with the student testimonials in the Qualitative Student Review page, these begin with the most recent reviews.

Tufts University (AY 2017-2018)

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Salve Regina (AY 2016-2017)

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Political Science Honors Seminar (Brown University, FA 2015 – SP 2016)

In Brown’s numerical review system, lower scores indicate better performance. For the charts below, please use the following key:

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Somewhat Agree
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly Disagree

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Compiles Reviews as Teaching Assistant (Brown University, FA 2012 – SP 2015)

The graph below shows my overall reviews, as compared to other TAs in the Political Science department. One important note: when the green bar below dips into negative values, this indicates beating the TA average. Again, in Brown’s system 1 (one) represents the best performance, and 5 (five) is poor.

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